Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien
Kay Walkowiak: Eternal Now
tresor | digital guided tour through the exhibition
Kay Walkowiak: Eternal Now
16.02.2023 - 16.04.2023
Cover: Kay Walkowiak, TRACES OF TIME, 2021. 2K video, 2.39:1, 60 min., colour, stereo. Courtesy: Kay Walkowiak & Galerie Zeller van Almsick, Vienna © Bildrecht Wien
"What happened before time began? How can a line go on without an end? A circle allows us to imagine going backwards or forwards forever and not encountering an ultimate beginning or end at any point." - Kay Walkowiak
Image: Kay Walkowiak, TRACES OF TIME, 202.1 2K video, 2.39:1, 60 min., colour, stereo. Courtesy: Kay Walkowiak & Galerie Zeller van Almsick, Vienna © Bildrecht Wien
The artist explores these questions in his installations and artistic films and explains to us in conversation with Sophie de la Fuente why the subject of time fascinates him so much.
Join us on this digital exhibition tour through the exhibition Kay Walkowiak: Eternal Now in the tresor of the Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien.