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Goldegg Castle

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Goldegg Castle Goldegg Castle

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Culture, seminars & news 2024

A look back: Goldegg Dialogues 2024 -
Humility. A silent power.

"It is well to remember that the universe, with one small and inconspicuous exception, is composed of the others." (O. Wendell Holmes, American physician and essayist, 1809-1894)

All dates & information

Goldegg Castle is one of the most important cultural and educational centres in the province of Salzburg, located about 60 km south of the city of Salzburg.

Goldegg Castle

The former castle was built in 1323 by the lords of Goldekke "to the lake on the Pühel".


After numerous changes of ownership, the castle has been in the possession of the Goldegg municipality since1973.

For the 1981 provincial exhibition "Reformation - Emigration", Goldegg Castle, which still contains historical treasures, was thoroughly renovated and developed into an important cultural and seminar centre.

Knights' Hall


Cultural and Seminar Centre Goldegg Castle

Today, Goldegg Castle offers numerous attractive facilities: A cultural and seminar centre, the "Pongauer Heimatmuseum", a "Malakademie" and the castle café.

There is also a memorial room for the expulsion of Protestants in 1731/32 run by the "Salzburger Verein Bielefeld", a "reading tower" with extensive archives and a media library, as well as "living in the tower" in multi-bed rooms on a self-catering basis.

Goldegg Dialogues

Schloss Goldegg is particularly well known for the GOLDEGGER DIALOGUE, which has taken place every year around Corpus Christi since 1982.

This forum with outstanding speakers focuses on current social issues in lectures, discussions and workshops.

The 40th GOLDEGGER DIALOGUE took place from 15 - 18 June 2022 on the theme "BEING CONNECTED - For a New World Relationship". The lectures can still be listened to or ordered from Goldegg Castle on CD or DVD.

The 42nd GOLDEGGER DIALOGUE will take place from 29 May - 01 June 2024. 

Goldegg Dialogues

Goldegg Castle
Goldegg Castle entrance

The GOLDEGG DIALOGUE has developed into the seminar series "BEGEGNUNGEN AUF SCHLOSS GOLDEGG" (Encounters at GOLDEGG CASTLE), which offers around 50 seminars a year on health, love of life and change.

The cultural association invites you to events such as concerts, readings, cabaret, exhibitions, films, symposia etc. all year round.

In ecological matters, the cultural association acts as sustainably as possible and is a certified GWÖ ("Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie") company as well as a "Green Meeting" organiser and bearer of the "Eco-label".

All dates for cultural and seminar events at Goldegg Castle can be found under the following link:

More information

In ecological matters, the cultural association acts as sustainably as possible and is a certified GWÖ ("Gemeinwohl") company as well as a "Green Meeting" organiser and bearer of the "Eco-label".

Lake Goldegg

Weather forecast Schloss Goldegg

Select date

Today 19.01
Tomorrow 20.01
The day after tomorrow 21.01



2 °C

at noon


8 °C



-0 °C



5 °C

at noon


8 °C



1 °C



4 °C

at noon


7 °C



2 °C


to Schwarzach-St. Veit (IC/EC-station), from there with the "Sonnenterrassen-Bus" or by taxi to Goldegg (4 km)

from direction Vienna/Munich: Tauern motorway - exit St. Johann/Gasteinertal - B 311 - after the end of Schwarzach - turn off to Goldegg.

from the direction of Innsbruck:
turn left before the beginning of Schwarzach.

Attention: do not drive through the tunnel!
(applies to both directions)

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