Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien
Daniel Spoerri, The Artist in Conversation
Part 2 | digital guided tour through the exhibition

"To create life as a work of art seems to me quite a nice occupation of life" (Daniel Spoerri).
The second live guided tour through the exhibition Daniel Spoerri gives you the chance to meet the artist himself.
Daniel Spoerri, © Rita Newman (detail)

Daniel Spoerri - in dialogue with curator Veronika Rudorfer - opens up very personal insights into his world, in which the boundary between art and everyday life seems to blur.
Daniel Spoerri, Se laisser manger la laine sur le dos, 1965, Assemblage, 100 × 100 × 29 cm, Bischofberger Collection, Männedorf-Zurich, Switzerland © Daniel Spoerri and Bildrecht Vienna, 2021(detail)